Tuesday 18th May 2021
If Fiji is on a so-called “war footing” then its Government leaders are officially MIA (Missing in Action).
If this is a battle then the Prime Minister is our commanding officer. Where is he? Why isn’t he leading from the front like the leader of every other government?
In any battle a good commander knows which of his officers to deploy on the front line. In this war we know this should be the doctors and scientists. Why has he relegated them silently to the back?
A good commander must get food and essentials to his soldiers and vulnerable civilians. So why is his team doing nothing, just complaining that some people are asking for too much?
A good commander keeps his army marching forward in a single unit. He stays visible. He tells his troops what they need to know. He gives them support and encouragement.
Our commanding officer is silent. His team now speak through press releases. They answer no questions. They allow rumour and confusion to dominate the discussion.
And most importantly, a good commander takes responsibility. He asks for advice. He gathers views from his team. If mistakes have been made, he accepts the blame.
Our government does none of these things. At one of the most critical times in our history, The Fiji First Government’s leaders are MIA. And the people of Fiji will not forget.
Pio Tikoduadua