Thursday 4th February 2021
At a time when the Fiji First Government should be supporting victims of cyclones Yasa and Ana, it is instead focused its own petty jealousies as it acts to deport University of the South Pacific Vice-Chancellor Pal Ahluwalia.
This deplorable action taken by the Fiji government will not be tolerated by all law abiding citizens as well as USP Member countries. Voreqe Bainimarama and Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum are behaving as if they own Fiji and they own USP. They show zero respect for the 50 years of work of thousands of leaders, public servants, staff and students who have made this the most successful South Pacific regional body. While they cry crocodile tears about climate change on the world stage, they work intentionally to destroy the institution that can most importantly drive progress and change in island countries through education. When a government starts behaving in the manner of bullies and thugs it is time for them to go. For this government, its departure is long overdue. Bainimarama, in his capacity as Minister for Immigration, should immediately rescind the deportation order to salvage Fiji’s fast waning reputation in the region.
Professor Biman Prasad