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Writer's pictureNational Federation Party - Fiji

Fiji First Government Has No Human Rights Standards

The National Federation Party has day questioned why the Government through the Constitutional Offices Commission is delaying the appointment of a Commission to oversee the Fiji Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Commission.

NFP Leader Professor Biman Prasad said they believe the term of the former Commission ended on 8th May and 5 weeks ;later there is still no new appalments.

“Today is World Albinism Day, a day where we should all be reminded that human rights standards apply to us all regardless of our external appearances. Fiji received the UN Special Rapporteur on Albinism only last December and yet today, a month after the contracts of the previous Commission expired, the Government does not see fit to appoint a new Commission with the urgency that such appointments are required.

This is a clear sign that human rights standards that are set by the oversight Commission, and certainly not the Director, are merely talking points and not a genuine priority of this government.

The independence and impartiality of the Fiji Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Commission was highlighted last year by the Special Rapporteur  Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, Mutuma Ruteere.

While Parliament just endorsed ratification of two core international human rights instruments the ICCPR and ICESCR, the lack of follow-through to ensure that Fiji codifies these international treaties in law AND application are exactly as NFP had warned about during the parliamentary debate on the treaties.

Unless there is rapid movement on the appointment of a new Commission, all taxpayers are entitled to question how their taxes are being poured in the Fiji Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Commission, while its annual reports are long overdue to Parliament for years.”

Authorised by:

Professor Biman Prasad

NFP Leader


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