December 24, 2021
As we celebrate Christmas and remember the holy birth of Jesus Christ, let us be encouraged by the symbol of renewed hope, humility and love that this day presents.
It has not been an easy year. But it is to the nation's ultimate credit that our people, even under the strain of hardship and suffering, can still smile.
Please look out for each other and enlarge your circles, boil drinking water, drive safely, be aware of movements of our young family members, maintain the health advisories and enjoy responsibly.
As we celebrate Christmas this year, we must not forget that many of our fellow citizens are reeling from the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
All great difficulties have to be met and managed with overwhelming courage -both in ourselves and in our fellow citizens.
Times like these that bring out the best of us. The best of our efforts, our energies and skills. When, in true Fijian spirit, we unite and bind together to help our fellow Fijians in need.
We extend our deep gratitude to hundreds of good Samaritans who have sacrificed their time, energy and resources to come to the aid of our Covid-stricken population.
We unite as a nation during both triumphant days and times of adversity. And right now there is an abundance of goodwill, generosity and unity that gives true meaning to the spirit of Christmas.
To all of you on this Christmas Day, whatever your conditions of work and life, easy or difficult; whether you feel that you are achieving something or whether you feel frustrated – you have our sincere thanks and gratitude.
We face grave problems in the life of our country, but those that came before us, and many alive today, have faced far greater difficulties, both in peace and war, and have overcome them by courage and calm determination. They never lost hope and they never lacked confidence in themselves or in their children.
In difficult times we may be tempted to find excuses for self-indulgence and to wash our hands of responsibility. Christmas stands for the opposite. The Wise Men and the Shepherds remind us that it is not enough simply to do our jobs.
It was their belief and confidence in God which inspired them to visit the stable and it is this unselfish will to serve that will see us through the difficulties we face.
We know that Fiji can never be free from disasters, political conflicts and pain. But Christmas draws our attention to all that is good and hopeful. It defines values and qualities that are true and permanent and it reminds us that the Fiji we would like to see can only come from the goodness of the heart.
May God bless our country, and a Merry Christmas to you and your family.
We will rise together because days are coming.