One country, One Nation, One People: A United, Peaceful and Prosperous Fiji.
a peaceful and prosperous Fiji based on respect, dignity and harmony.
democratic principles, basic human rights, workers rights and respect for cultural, religious and ethnic diversity.
fair and impartial application of the rule of law, regardless of ethnicity, class and cultural diversity.
equitable Economic Development.
freedom from the shackles of poverty and sufferings.
universal access to basic healthcare, housing and education.
good governance through participatory decision making process at all levels involving key stakeholders, Non-Government Organisations and other development partners.
recognize the special needs of children, women, youth, elderly and other groups.
respect for different cultures, traditions and religions for our diverse and dynamic multiracial societies.
international and regional relationships must be based on mutual respect in the interests of all the people of Fiji

Hon. Prof. Biman Prasad
Member of Parliament
National Federation Party
Hon. Professor Prasad is an international scholar. He has contributed significantly to the debate on social and economic issues in the region. He is an accomplished academic, with four books and numerous journal articles published on economic development, trade and environment issues.

Hon.Lenora Qereqeretabua
Member of Parliament
National Vice President
National Federation Party
Hon. Qereqeretabua is serving her first term in Parliament. She was elected during the 2018 General Elections in which she campaigned largely on environmental issues and was a strong advocate for more women representation in Parliament.

Hon. Pio Tikoduadua
Member of Parliament
National President
National Federation Party
Hon. Tikoduadua is a former military officer retired from the Republic of Fiji Military Forces in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel after 26 years of service. He was previously the Permanent Secretary for Justice and Public Enterprise and Former Permanent Secretary for the Office of the Prime Minister. He was also the former Minister of Infrastructure and Transport.

Hon. Prof. Biman Prasad
Party Leader

Hon. Pio Tikoduadua
National President

Seni Nabou
General Secretary

Kiniviliame Salabogi
National Vice President

Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua
National Vice President

Chandu Lodhia

Parmod Chand
National Vice President

Kamla Lajendra
National Vice President

Bimal Prasad Chaudhry
National Vice President

Davendra Naidu
National Vice President

Dalip Kumar
Registered Officer